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how to find my Metamask wallet address

MetaMask, +1.415.649.8165 both as a browser extension and mobile app, is completely free to use. There are no costs associated with setting up an account and storing digital currencies in either version of the wallet.

Using MetaMask’s Swap feature will incur a flat service fee of 0.875% on all transactions. This is relatively expensive for crypto-to-crypto conversions, and many exchanges (centralized and decentralized) offer this feature for free. However, the convenience of doing it within a wallet can make it an attractive option for some investors.+1.415.649.8165

Additionally, using MetaMask in the DeFi world will come with inevitable gas fees. These will be incurred on essentially any transaction, including buying, selling and sending digital tokens/coins. As explored earlier, the cost of these fees can be altered depending on the transaction’s priority.+1.415.649.8165