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Air Fountain System Reviews - Is Mega Drought USA Device Legit or Cheap Product?

Air Fountain System Reviews - Is Mega Drought USA Device Legit or Cheap Product?

Air Fountain


The purity of our water sources is under attack. Activities of large corporations and oil companies, and even humans, are responsible for polluting our most precious resource, water. The contamination of our water supplies by toxic chemicals has become a major problem, with many water sources across the country being polluted to dangerous levels. These toxic chemicals can lead to chronic illnesses like cancer and have proven fatal to many families. Air Fountain Program may be a solution to take a look at. The program teaches individuals how to build a revolutionary water generator. This device is touted as a tested and proven alternative to bottled and tap water. The creator claims its innovative technology has been utilized by military forces in arid regions where access to clean water is scarce. With this step-by-step guide, clients may potentially assemble the water generator and enjoy the benefits of clean, safe, and affordable water.

What is Air Fountain?

Air Fountain is a program developed by John Gilmore to help individuals build their personal water sources. The program is marketed as an A to Z guide and accompanying video, with which you can have a fully functioning water generator up and running in a very short while.

The developer says Air Fountain is a step-by-step blueprint that makes the machine-building process a breeze. The program does not stop at being a comprehensive program. The creator also offers its customers unlimited email access, allowing you to ask any questions related to the Air Fountain System. The creator aims to provide everyone with a unique, hassle-free way to access clean water whenever needed.

The program provides essential information on how to build a revolutionary device known as the Portable Endless Spring. The innovative device is said to tap into an unlimited water source using a simple condensation principle, converting moisture from the air into up to 50 gallons of clean, fresh water daily.

The creator of this program believes that with the device, you won't have to worry about harmful contaminants like fluoride, heavy metals, or cancer-causing pesticides that can be found in tap water or untrustworthy filters. The water from the device is filtered and oxygenated, making it ideal for improving your body's metabolism and providing yourself and those around you with safe, healthy drinking water.

Contents of the Air Fountain Program

Along with the step-by-step guide in the Air Fountain Program, the creator also gives access to three other resources aimed at helping individuals ensure water security for themselves and their families. The creator claims to have made these resources, along with the main Air Fountain program, into a treasure trove of knowledge, carefully crafted to guide you through any water crisis and safeguard your loved ones. The other resources that you get access to in addition to the Air Fountain are:

How to Secure Your Water Reserves – (The ultimate guide for water storage)

The creator of the Air Program believes that the quest for safe and abundant water is never-ending and that with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can easily secure their own water reserves. This resource is touted as the ultimate guide to water storage. It reveals tips and tricks that may help anyone store water efficiently. With this guide, anyone may finally be able to safely and reliably save water.

How to Purify and Mineralize Water

This guide is there to help us revolutionize how we think about drinking water. We have had to keep using expensive filters for a long time, but this program's creator believes that crystal-clear, fresh water is possible with this DIY guide. With 9 secret techniques to purify even the dirtiest water sources we may have on our hands, a healthier way to hydrate at home.

This guide is expected to teach all about boiling, extensive filtration methods, innovations in solar water disinfection, and how iodine can work wonders for your water quality.

The guide also promises to show how banana peels can be used to filter water and how to re-mineralize water so that everyone can ensure that we are not just drinking pure water but also getting the essential minerals the body needs to function at its best.

The Deadly Agents Hidden in Your Water

This seeks to unveil the hidden poisons lurking in our water sources. The creator of Air Filtration asserts that the water we use to hydrate our bodies may contain harmful toxins that can wreak havoc on our health.

This guide thus seeks to equip you with the knowledge to detect all of these insidious substances that may have contaminated the water you consume. Elements like fluoride, arsenic, lead, and even living organisms like parasitic protozoa, worms, and viruses, will potentially be eliminated.

The guide also seeks to educate us on how nature contaminates our water sources and, crucially, how to steer clear of them to prevent and treat waterborne infections.

Benefits of the Air Fountain Program

The following are the benefits that may be derived from the Air Fountain Program:

By investing in the system, you'll potentially be saving a substantial amount of money on water bills, allowing you to allocate your resources toward other aspects of your life.

The Air Fountain Program is a digital program that the creator promises will help you discover the fundamental knowledge necessary for constructing your water generator, freeing you from depending on other unreliable sources.

The device that will be built with the Air Fountain program is portable and can easily be transported from place to place, ensuring that you have access to clean water wherever you go.

The guide does not require you to be technically savvy, as it has been designed to be straightforward and easily followed by everyone.

The guide teaches advanced filtration and water cleansing processes to remove toxic chemicals and impurities, potentially safeguarding your and your family's health.

The system built using the Air Fountain program produces clean, fresh water safe for you and your loved ones to consume, completely free from harmful contaminants.

This guide has been designed as easy to comprehend and execute, making the building process a seamless experience.

With the system's compact design, you don't have to worry about finding a vast expanse of land to build the device on. It can fit snugly in your backyard.

Pricing and Moneyback Guarantee

To gain access to this guide costs only $39. Anyone interested in building a personal water generator and freeing themselves from depending on unreliable and potentially harmful water sources should visit the official website to gain access to the program. Your purchase is also covered by a 100% money-back guarantee valid for 60 days from the day of purchase.


Are you tired of constantly worrying about the mega-drought and struggling to find clean water for your family? You may find the Air Fountain Program a beneficial way to establish your water freedom.