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The biggest enemy of anyone who wants to slim down and gain a lean, muscular figure is the excess of fat tissue, which needs to be burned off immediately. Unfortunately its reduction is a complicated, multifaceted process consisting of many elements such as properly selected diet or training plan drawn up in consultation with a doctor or professional nutritionist. But even that doesn’t mean that you will get rid of fat as quickly as you would like to, so it’s worth including another important factor making it easier, a dietary supplement considerably accelerating the whole process, and the best one is certainly Nutrigo Lab Burner .

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man lifting barbells

man lifting barbells

Properly conducted process of fat tissue reduction requires a lot of self-denial and adherence to several strict rules, without which gaining effective muscles will be virtually impossible. That’s why it’s so important to do your best, and unfortunately the increase in body fat is an inevitable side effect of gaining muscle mass. How much of it we accumulate depends directly on us, and above all on our diet and what we eat during that time. This is one of the basic, common mistakes, and others that should also be avoided are:

  • providing the body with too many calories, not maintaining the assumed negative caloric balance. It is the most important in the process of reduction and it is calculated very simply by taking our daily calorie needs and subtracting 10 – 20% from the result obtained. If we eat too much, it immediately reflects negatively on our silhouette, and the belly, instead of falling, grows. We should also pay attention to the type and quantity of liquids consumed, rejecting those with high calories, such as sweetened sodas or coffee or tea sweetened with a few teaspoons of sugar. It is worth replacing them with, for example, exceptionally healthy yerba mate, a decoction of the Paraguayan holly, which will also allow us to lose a few kilograms;

  • poorly selected proportions of nutrients in individual meals, especially such as the most essential micronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the amount of which must be in accordance with the ratio 50 – 30 – 20, corresponding to the above mentioned components in turn;

  • an improperly chosen training plan and lack of regularity of exercise.

Burning fat is also about increasing the intensity of metabolic processes, which is facilitated by combining strength training to strengthen muscles with aerobic exercises that allow them to be properly oxygenated. Metabolism increases several times, which results in quickly disappearing fat rolls. The above principles only seem simple, in fact following them requires a lot of self-denial, so it is worth gaining an additional ally in this fight, Nutrigo Lab Burner an effective and powerful fat burner.


nutrigo lab burner

nutrigo lab burner

Fast and sustained fat tissue reduction and burning of carbohydrates is a dream not only for athletes, especially bodybuilders, but also for anyone who can no longer look at their unsightly fat body. Now this dream can finally be fulfilled and that’s why Nutrigo Lab Burner was developed, a multi-ingredient supplement supporting this whole complicated process. It has successfully joined the other Nutrigo products, giving us a comprehensive set that builds muscle mass, increases performance and endurance, burns fat and helps you regenerate quickly. Nutrigo Lab Burner contains as many as six active ingredients supported by other equally valuable substances enhancing their effects.



  • Sinetrol® Xpur, an innovative, patented citrus fruit and guarana extract. Citrus fruit, such as grapefruit, are an exceptionally rich source of vitamins and minerals essential for the health of our body, while guarana contains a lot of caffeine, which supports the weight loss process. It is characterized by thermogenic properties, enabling the burning of fat and calories by raising body temperature. Caffeine also acts as a stimulant, providing energy necessary for intensive physical exercise, increases the body’s efficiency and helps it relax;

  • Citrin®, an extract from garcinia cambogia, a plant known as Malabar tamarind, whose slimming and fat tissue reducing properties are based on the content of hydroxycitric acid (HCA). The effect of HCA on our body has been confirmed by numerous studies, the substance is completely safe to use, and its action consists in the reduction of fatty acids synthesis and the reduction of excessive appetite with the simultaneous stimulation of the feeling of satiety. Additionally, the acid reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol in blood, lowering its pressure and thus helping in the treatment and prevention of many cardiovascular diseases;

  • raspberry fruit extract, so popular both straight from the bush and in the form of tasty preserves, juices, jams or preserves. These fruits have also long been appreciated for their health properties, resulting from the nutrients they contain. We can find there among others vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin C, E, K and minerals, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Fruits have a low glycemic index, allow you to lower sugar levels in the blood, and in the reduction of fat tissue is important their impact on the work of the digestive system. They have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, they inhibit the excessive proliferation of dangerous strains of intestinal bacteria, they help remove bothersome flatulence and other digestive ailments. They also contain raspberry ketone, a chemical compound that significantly increases noradrenaline activity, accelerating fat burning processes and preventing their re-deposition;

  • extract from long spurge, or turmeric, an exotic spice improving the taste of many dishes, increasingly popular also in our kitchen. Turmeric owes its health properties to the presence of curcumin, a substance which is a strong antioxidant, providing effective protection even against cancer. It has an extremely positive effect on the digestive system, and by speeding up metabolism, it allows you to quickly lose all the excess weight. To a certain extent it also limits the production of fat cells by the body, while taking part in destroying the already existing ones;

  • black pepper fruit extract – BioPerine®, already known from other Nutrigo products, whose most important part is piperine, described many times by us. Its importance in fat metabolism cannot be overestimated; it is essential for rapid fat burning, and it additionally regulates all digestive processes taking place in our body:

  • chromium, an element that beneficially supports metabolism, whose action includes trapping excess free fatty acids and preventing the deposition of fat cells in various parts of the body. It also helps maintain normal sugar levels by regulating insulin secretion, and participates in the processes of glycogen synthesis in muscles, necessary for all forms of physical activity.


nutrigo lab burner

nutrigo lab burner

Having tested yet another Nutrigo product we are glad to say that in the case of Nutrigo Lab Burner manufacturer has again put great care into the formulation of the product, which again translates into the highest effectiveness. The supplement, recommended for professional athletes, can be used by practically anyone over 18 years of age practising various sports disciplines, including the increasingly popular bodybuilding.

The recommended dose of Nutrigo Lab Burner is just two capsules a day, taken half an hour before a meal or workout, and they alone guarantee that you’ll achieve exactly the desired results. You can burn over 9kg a month and quickly get the figure you want, slim, superbly sculpted and without a gram of unnecessary fat. Its metabolism will reach a whole new level, not only will the process of synthesising new fat cells be inhibited, but also our appetite, the cause of snacking leading to overweight or even pathological obesity. The effectiveness of the supplement is confirmed by studies and user feedback, the vast majority of which is positive, just like in the case of other previously reviewed products. For best results, use Nutrigo Lab Strength, which will give you the energy, performance and endurance you need to follow your training plan, whileNutrigo Lab Burner will intensify its effects.

nutrigo lab burner

nutrigo lab burner