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Nitazoxanide 200 mg | Nizonide 200 | Dosepharmacy

Nitazoxanide is an antiparasitic and antiviral medication used to treat a variety of infections, most commonly intestinal infections like giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis. It works by inhibiting the energy production of parasites, effectively stopping their growth. Nitazoxanide is also being explored for its potential in treating viral infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and even COVID-19 due to its broad-spectrum antiviral activity.

Nitazoxanide 200 mg | Nizonide 200 | Dosepharmacy Nitazoxanide is an antiparasitic and antiviral medication used to treat a variety of infections, most commonly intestinal infections like giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis. It works by inhibiting the energy production of parasites, effectively stopping their growth. Nitazoxanide is also being explored for its potential in treating viral infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and even COVID-19 due to its broad-spectrum antiviral activity. https://www.dosepharmacy.com/nizonide-200mg-tablet
Nizonide 200mg Tablet (Nitazoxanide) - Dose Pharmacy
Nizonide 200mg Tablet (Nitazoxanide) Buy Nitazoxanide 200 Mg Online, which is Anthelmintics & Anti-Worm medication contains Nitazoxanide. Children and adults suffering from diarrhea can consume Nitazoxanide Tablets but it should be taken under a doctor’s supervision. - Dose Pharmacy